General Information and Assembly Video Tutorial for FFR SC1

The Make It RC FFR SC1 is a small scale radio controlled on-road car chassis designed for 1/24 and 1/25 scale model car bodies, and other light weight bodies of a similar size. This chassis is compatible with variants of the 53mm and 57mm Make It RC MA10 rear axle assemblies, and various different modular front suspension assemblies.

The FFR SC1 was developed with the goal of being a versatile chassis that can accept a wide variety of different bodies, and be compatible with a variety of different modular front suspension assemblies. Another important aspect during the design process was to make sure the main components of the chassis could be made on a typical hobby grade FFF 3D printer. Print files for the chassis are available at no cost for those with 3D printers to print themselves while customers who do not own a 3D printer can purchase the parts from us.


General recommendations for anyone interested in building an FFR SC1 based vehicle: 

  • Experience building both RC vehicles (especially custom vehicles) and model cars.
  • A greater interest in scale realism than speed or “bashing”
  • Replicating older cars that utilized a solid axle rear suspension such as muscle cars, older full size American sedans, oval track cars etc.
  • Use light weight plastic model or slot car bodies. Heavy die-cast bodies could cause faster part wear and part failure
  • Experience with scratch building and/or designing and printing simple parts. ex:  body mounts, custom interior tub
  • Basic RC electronic knowledge and soldering skills
  • Basic 3D printing knowledge and access to an accurate 3D printer


General building tips:

  • Accuracy of measurements and parts is extremely important
  • Sand and trim any and all imperfections from parts
  • All parts should fit together without issue. Gradually trim or sand away material if necessary
  • Always apply grease/oil to moving parts
  • Use the correct adhesive and let fully cure
  • Stay organized and choose a clean work environment
  • For the best appearance paint the parts, though do not paint areas where parts will connect
  • Ensure you are ordering the correct parts from Make It RC for your project. Double check compatibility and send us an email if you have questions.
  • Stay safe, use care when using tools such as cutters and hobby knifes
  • Take your time


3D Printing tips for FDM-FFF printers:

  • Print accuracy is very important
  • Minimum build platform dimensions: 125mm x 80mm x 25mm
  • .25 or smaller nozzle is recommended
  • Ensure you are getting good bed adhesion
  • 200 microns or less layer height is recommended
  • Use supports for overhangs
  • The more ridged the print material the better. PLA is sufficient.


Assembly video tutorial:


General chassis screw diagram: